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About Thrive

Thrive Space Hub is a UAE based company providing wellbeing and mental health training within the MENA region.

We are a team of UK trained specialists from the field of psychology, therapy and coaching. We have been providing training and workshops to some of the biggest companies in the world since 2013. Our extensive experience and knowledge places us at the forefront of the mental health and wellbeing industry.

For further details on our wellbeing and mental health training programs, or to get in touch, please call +971585501968.

Contact Us

Thrive Space Hub work with businesses, organisations and government entities helping them to transform the space of mental health and wellbeing within the work environment.

Our Mission

Our core mission is to lead the way in promoting mental health and wellbeing within the MENA region and to make it easily accessible to all.

We curate bespoke innovative workshops, 1:1 dynamic coaching sessions, team building exercises and stress management seminars tailored to each organisation’s needs.

Why us

Our unique expertise comes from working in the field of mental health and wellbeing for over thirty years.

Having lived in different parts of the world including Canada, Qatar, United Kingdom and United Arab Emirates gives us a cultural edge on the challenges faced by individuals living in this region.

The name

‘Thrive’ signifies the company’s mission: to empower individuals and companies to flourish, exceed their potential and maintain peak performance levels. It represents an unwavering commitment to having environments where employees are not just surviving by thriving, through enhancing their physical, mental and emotional well-being.

‘Space’ denotes the creation of a unique, supportive environment where growth and well-being are accelerated.

‘Hub’ reflects the central, pivotal role the company plays in connecting corporate organisations with comprehensive well being services.

Together, Thrive Space Hub encapsulates the company’s commitment to provide innovative well-being services tailored to the requirements of corporate organisations.

Contact us if you would like to speak with one of our team about our corporate or employee mental health and wellbeing programs.

Contact Us

business wellbeing and mental health training specialist near me

Thrive would love to chat

Reach out today to explore how we can collaborate to create transformative wellbeing and mental health training programs tailored to your unique needs.

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Connect With Thrive

thrive space hub, dubai, uae

Thrive Space Hub is committed to supporting businesses and government entities in cultivating a culture of well-being, resilience, and innovation among its employees. As a company with extensive experience in the mental health and well-being sector, we are excited about the opportunity to bring our innovative solutions to the unique challenges faced in the MENA region.

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